Hi there, my name is Barbara Williams. I live in the Rocky Mountains of Utah and I have a condition called Obsessive Compulsive Food Disorder (OCFD). I can’t walk by a restaurant without reading the menu or past a bookstore without going in to check out the newest cookbooks. I am obsessive about food blogs and read them like most people read the news. There is always a stack of cookbooks next to my bed for late night reading. Food is the lens I view my life through, the way I show love to those I care about, and the focus of my existence.
For most of my adult life, I let other people tell me how to eat. I went through a whole grains phase, a no sugar phase, a low fat phase, a high protein phase – you name it, I ate it. I was always looking for a magic diet that would ensure good health. As time went on and my palate developed, there were foods I didn’t want to give up just because some health guru thought I should. I grew more comfortable in the kitchen, the garden and the market. I read about food and then read some more. As I learned, I slowly changed my diet to reflect seasonality and locality, not the whims of fashion. I read about wine and visited wineries to learn how wine interacts with food. A glass of wine at the end of a long day is one of those small things that can make all the difference in your life.
I live and cook at 6500 ft. so there may be some wonky things going on if you are cooking at sea level. I’ve tried to anticipate where such wonkiness may occur and make suggestions for how to adjust recipes to accommodate for altitude differences. If you have trouble with a particular recipe, please email me and I’ll do my best to figure out what the problem is.
I started writing this blog to engage with like minded souls in an effort to improve our kitchen skills. I love feedback on my recipes! I’m always learning, always looking for that next great wine or amazing recipe. Please email me or comment on the blog if you have any suggestions about existing recipes or something new you think I should try!
Stick with me and you can be The Best Cook in the Neighborhood
Interested in buying prints of one of my photos? I have a Smug Mug Account set up just for just that purpose https://barbarawilliams.smugmug.com/
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Thanks for stopping by!
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