I decided to take a quick trip to the coast last month before the weather turns. One of the places I visited was Bodega Bay. It was a charming sweet little place that I instantly fell in love with. Here are a few photos to give you a glimpse of how beautiful it is there.
I ate at the Spud Point Crab Company right on the bay. The crab sandwich was amazing!
I stopped at some wonderful wineries and found some new wines for you to try! The highlight of my trip though, was that I had lunch with Holly, the lovely lady who is responsible for the artwork on my site. It was the first time I ever met someone from my virtual world in the real world and it was so much fun! She was just as I thought she would be, funny and intelligent and a wonderful lunch companion.
I had so much fun on my trip! I’ll get some more pics up in the next week or so….
Great captures!
Glad you had such a fine visit to Bodega Bay. Looks charming and what fun to meat the designer of your blog.
Oh – a place I love! I know that little crab place. Did you hike the headlands?
Wow! What a beautiful place. I especially love that last shot of the water…with the two seagulls there on the beach and the mountains in the back. I’ll bet it’s breahttaking in person!
You always go to the neatest places!! I could sure go for one of those crab sandwiches right about now! One of my favorite foods!!
I can see why you fell in love with this place. Oh how I love crab! I met my first blog friend last week. So fun to meet them in person. Glad you got to meet up!
Beautiful pictures. I would have loved the crab place!
It’s so nice to meet someone from the virtual world! This bay looks so beautiful and very different from my midwest surroundings.
eye opening,
love it.
One day I hope to travel to all the wonderful places you have shared with us! Now, I want me some Spud Point Crab!
You are a traveling gal!I like the photos. I am glad you had a chance to get to this lovely place. Thanks for sharing. Anne
I love road trips! Quite a difference from where you live, but so beautiful! Glad you met a virtual gal pal, we should try that sometime:) Stay warm…
The sandwich sounds wonderful! What a pretty place to visit!
Wow, a quarter pounder crab sandwich. Yum.
Love the look of fishing boats and yes, even the smell.
What a lift to see your images of days on the water…looks so inviting, especially after the heavy snowfall we got yesterday.
Crab sandwiches – oh yum…nothing like that here in the midwest (and I grew up on the East Coast where fresh seafood was the norm)
Oh YES! This is SO the place for me! This place and your photos of it….rocks!
Such a beautiful place you visited and your photo´s are the Best.
Bodega Bay makes a Beautiful B post. And it’s Brilliant to meet online friends offline!
This looks so, so appealing.
brilliant wish I was there
Such pretty pics of your day out. I have not met in person any of my bloggy friends yet but I think like you I would know them after all the time I have been corresponding through comments. It is kinda like the pen pals we got when we were grade school students. So long ago for me.
What a lovely, peaceful looking place. A place I think I would like. That crab shack looks totally fun too. I can imagine it was tasty.
Bodega Bay looks, well, bodacious! Great B post. =>
You always find the best restaurants! Bodega Bay looks like a good place to stop and stay for a while!
This place is stunning 🙂 I wish I could escape to such a peaceful place too!
Remember the first time I saw Bodega Bay. At the time it’s claim to fame was Hitchcocks “The Birds” Beautiful place. I miss living in California. Glad to hear that you found more wine for tasting.
Bodega Bay is only a few miles from where I grew up…and spent last week…which explains why I missed the posting deadline for Alphabe-Thursday Bodega is a lovely place…
There is nothing like a good holiday in a picturesque place. It looks like a lovely quaint place.
Beautiful photos! Always love to see your photography. Stopping by from Alphabet Thursday.
Check out my link, if you get a chance.
A lovely place! A lovely lunch AND meeting a virtual friend!!!!
What a perfect trip!
Thanks for a beautiful link today!
I just found you via another blog. I am British girl! living just outside London – I used to be a farmers girl with horses and I teach cookery. I found your writing very wistful, as I love to travel around America – We do not like to book in hotels either, just plan to get from A to B via the unknown! I will carry on reading you and maybe pick up a few tips for places to visit.
Best regards