I don’t know about you, but I just love books that incorporate food into the story line. The kind of books that Joanne Harris writes. If you haven’t read any of her books, you need to go and buy all of them right now and check into a hotel so you don’t have any interruptions and just read them. Trust me, just do it. Hmmm, maybe I need to do that this weekend….
Anyway, I just finished this book:
and it was very entertaining (pun intended). It wasn’t written by Joanne Harris but by a new author (to me) Nancy Spillar.
It’s written from the viewpoint of a food writer who simply makes up all of these wonderful dinner parties that she writes about because she no longer gives parties of her own. She is forced into actually giving a dinner party which is the basis of the story, but the reader is invited into her world as she makes the preparations for the party. We get glimpses of her dysfunctional family and her own obsessive behavior. Anyone who is in love with food and cooking will probably enjoy this book.
My suggestion would be to finish the last few chapters in a warm tub with a nice glass of wine…..it’s that kind of book, you know what I mean?
Rocky Mountain Woman
I have never been able to read a book in the tub! But I can see you doing that, sounds nice! Come say hi 😀
Me again… I just read the “about” section of your blog and love what you wrote. Especially the part of friends being part of the family (I feel the same way). And of books being important (ain’t it the truth?). Well, taking photos is part of me, too, and as for story-telling — I think everyone has a story to tell in one way or another.
I also like books in which people cook or talk about food — it brings more reality into the fiction. Do you happen to know Elena Santangelo’s “By Blood Possessed”? Great mystery with a supernatural touch (the present and Civil War past intermingle). Oh, and the main protagonist Pat cooks a lot. She one of those characters you want to be real because you feel she could be a close friend.
Hello Birgit,
Thanks for stopping by and for your kind comments. I’ve put “By Blood Possessed” on my Amazon order list, it sounds like my kind of book! Thanks for the suggestion…
The story line sounds similar to Christmas in Connecticut, where the city-dwelling writer creates such convincing stories of life on the farm that the publisher? sponsor? wants to spend the holidays with her and her (made up family!) A classic! A warning to all of us who write…be careful or someone might believe you! LOL!
I’ll wander around your blog now…thanks for visiting mine.