Someday, somehow I am going to have a place here. I haven’t worked out all of the logistics like (1) how I am going to pay for it (2) who will take care of my animals while I walk along the beach searching for Razor clams (3) who will do my job while I walk along said beach (4) who will hug my grandkids while I’m gone (5)…well, you get the picture. This town, however, was made for me. It has every single thing I may need or want within walking distance. Once I got here, I could park my truck and never fire it up again until I was ready to leave……
This is the bakery where I got a roll for breakfast…
next door is a great little restaurant
there is an antique shop run by a very sweet woman who will take time out of her day to talk to pesty tourists
there is a landscaping/plant shop which is for sale and which could be turned into a small catering business (hmmmm…) as the sweet lady who runs the antique shop pointed out to me when I told her I had a small catering business
there is an art gallery where local artists display their paintings, photographs, etc. It’s wonderful and I spent the entire rest of the afternoon looking through all of the beauty that was displayed there
So when you come to this sweet little town, and come here you must, you should stay in this cottage
and eat pastry at the bakery and lunch at the little cafe at the top of the hill and play golf at the lovely golf course and enjoy the art gallery…
but, whatever you do, don’t fall in love with this town and buy this house
because somehow, someday, the nice people who own this house are going to decide that they need to sell it to me and I’m going to live here part of the time….
Oh, you picked the right house. How perfect!
Sometimes, dreams really do come true…
I don’t blamme you for falling in love with such a quaint and picturesque town. I’m glad you are enjoying your trip.
That town just screams Norman Rockwell. Perhaps some day—why not?
Perfection at it’s best! If you need some neighbors, you can call on my hubby (a golf nut) and me (could be a catering!)…he he! Hugs! P.S. Enjoying this trip with you….thank you for sharing!
Well now, that’s not fair! You can’t go showing us how perfect this little town is and then tell us not to fall in love with the town and that house. It’s like telling a child that they can’t have ice cream 🙂
If you do ever get that house, can we come and stay with you some of the time?