I simply was blown away by New Orleans, the city, the river, the people, the food… This place rocks!
I learned so much about Cajun food and the wines that complement it and had such a good time doing it! I ordered a bunch of cookware and seasonings when I was there and they have all arrived now, so I am ready to rock.
But first, a few pictures of lovely lovely NOLA:
The French Quarter
A cigar factory. I don’t smoke and I have no idea why this appealed to me so much, but I got a kick out of watching them make cigars.
Bubba Gump Shrimp Company. Who doesn’t love Forrest?
A sign I ordered for my kitchen…tee hee
This entire city revolves around food. It’s amazing!
A street performer. It was about 95 degrees when I took this, I was in awe of his stamina. This is a real person, not a statute!
This is how I got around! Fun fun place
So I have more pictures and more food to show you, but this post is getting pretty long. More to come in the next few days!!!
Stay cool!
If I had $1200 to spare I’d buy the cookbook autographed by Julia and husband Paul.
Great “n” word…New Orleans!..fun place and good food!
Nice journey! 🙂
I have always wanted to go Thanks for sharing your pictures
Fun photos! I wonder how long the street performer stays in one position out in that heat? Hey…we have a bit of Forrest Gump here in Savannah too :o) Wowee! on that price for the autographed cookbook! And I love the wrought iron on all the buildings!
Stay cool, my friend!
Blessings & Aloha!
What a great N word.I would love to see New Orleans
New Orleans is a cultural city, and I love the French Quarter..Beautiful photos!
I haven’t been to New Orleans since before Katrina. I didn’t think it could survive, but I guess it’s slowly coming back. Looks good in your pictures.
Some day I’m going to visit this wonderful and resilient city.
So glad you had a great trip! I can hardly wait to see what some of those Cajun dishes are.
You go on the best trips! I love your new layout.
That was FUN! I think when I visit New Orleans I’ll choose a cooler time of year, though. :))
Great photos – I’ve never been to New Orleans.
We loved NOLA – what a fabulous place. Since my teen years when I read every one of Frances Parkinson Keye’s book I’d wanted to visit, so a week there over Easter one year was like a dream. I haven’t been back since the terrible floods, but I’d love to.
Good Times? GREAT photos and wonderful memories of NOLA…please pass the po’ boy and beignets:)
Beautiful, historic New Orleans. I have a voo doo doll from there. Yes indeedy. Great post.
Is there anything niftier than coffee and beignets?
Although I’d have to pass on visiting the Big Easy during the summer, it is a great place to visit in November.
Thanks for aNother fun link this week.
That looks like a wonderful city and I heard a lot about it too. It must be great to learn to cook heir food. New Orleans like the N word
glad you had a nice time. Me and DH went to New Orleans shortly after we were married and stay in a bed and breakfast with our dogs. Yes, the food was absolutely fantastic – I love seafood/shellfish! {:-Deb
I have not been there but would like to go…you sure are traveling a lot..lucky you! 😀
I’d love to visit there. It looks like a fabulous combination of quirky and charming RMW! 😀
The only thing familiar here is Bubba Gump – we actually have an outlet here in Malaysia. Love the food there!
I enjoyed your post. I went to New Orleans for the first time, a month short of my 18th birthday, to start nursing school at Charity Hospital…back in 1962, just at the time the Salk vaccine for polio was developed. We still had patients in iron lungs. I stayed there for six years and, of course, some of my dearest friends are still there. I’ve visited annually ( or more ) for the last forty years.
My post is about the visit of my best friend from those days. She spent two weeks here with me. I last saw her in Oct when I was in NO for my 45 year nursing school reunion.
My Alphabe Thursday is at:
Hope you have a terrific weekend!
New Orleans is, indeed, a place with unique (to say the least) sights and sounds and definitely a place to indulge your tummy. A fun place to visit, but I’m not sure I’d want to live there. How about you?
I really loved it here, but I don’t think I could ever live here! It’s a little too much for me. I took this walking tour of the Garden District and the guide pointed out all of the homes of various celebrities, John Goodman, Sandra Bullock, etc. I was thinking that if I was a gazillionaire and could live anywhere I wanted to, I would not pick NOLA.
New Orleans looks so much fun! I’ve always wanted to travel there and see the place and eat the food! It certainly looks like a unique place to visit.