I’ve been cyber stalking “Food for Thought” for a while now and have decided to try and join in on the fun. I may not be able to link every time there is a party, but I’m going to do my best! The book today is Chocolate Chocolate The True Story of Two Sisters, Tons of Treats, and the Little Shop That Could. So this week I am linking at http://foodforthoughtediblebooks.blogspot.com/
I downloaded this book to my IPAD last Sunday morning and read the entire thing before dinner! It was a snowy, nasty day in the mountains and I couldn’t have picked a better way to spend a Sunday than with Frances and Ginger, two sisters who open a candy shop.
The story line revolves around the death of their father and their commitment to honor his memory and keep their family close. A premature death is always a traumatic experience and this one was no exception. Their loving family unit was rocked to its core by the death of the patriarch and I could feel their pain in their words. Instead of retreating from the world and living on their small inheritance, they decide to take a gamble and open a business. The passion that they had for life was just not going to be denied and they found their therapy in food, specifically chocolate. I can relate to that!
They not only started a profitable business, but formed a little family that revolved around the shop. As a proud member of a non-biological family, I know first hand how healing that can be. Sometimes we find comfort in the places we least expect it.
Actually, I found comfort in reading about their trials with the dishonest contractor who made their life miserable. If you want to read about my adventures with my very own dishonest contractor, click on “She Builds” on the right!
So the long and short of it was that I devoured this book in one sitting with two cups of tea! I don’t make candy on a regular basis, so I struggled a bit to decide what to make in honor of the book. I poured over my recipes and couldn’t find anything. I have all kinds of savory, salty crunchy type goodies, but not many sweet ones. In desperation, I pulled out my Mom’s recipe box and there it was! Mamie Eisenhower Fudge!
When I was little my Mom made this quite frequently and it is everything fudge should be without needing a candy thermometer. It was famous when it came out and I think every housewife in America made this fudge at some point during the 50’s. Mamie was a beloved First Lady, with the emphasis on “Lady”. I remember my mother reading everything she could find about her. She was known for being a good cook which is an unusual trait in a modern day first lady!
Her recipe for “Million Dollar Fudge” makes 4 pounds of fudge! I could really hurt myself with that amount of fudge around, so I halved the recipe. Here it is:
PrintMamie Eisenhower Fudge
- 2 1/4 cups sugar
- 1 T butter
- pinch salt
- 6 oz evalporated milk
- 1 cup chopped pecans (I left the pecans out)
- 1/2 pint marshmallow cream
- 6 oz semisweet chocolate
- 6 oz German’s Sweet Chocolate
- In a heavy saucepan over medium heat bring the sugar, salt, butter and evaporated milk slowly to a boil
- Keep it at a slow boil for six minutes, stirring constantly
- Place the marshmallow cream in a bowl
- Break up the chocolate on top
- When the sugar/milk combination is done boiling, pour it immediately over the chocolate and cream
- Stir until all the chocolate is melted and the cream is mixed in
- Pour into a dish that has been sprayed with non stick cooking spray and let it sit until it sets up
Making this was a great way to remember my sweet Mom and pay homage to Mamie, Frances & Ginger all at the same time.
What a GREAT review! This was a fast & sweet read for me too! I love that you went to your mother’s recipe box for inspiration. Your Million Dollar Fudge looks appropriately named~ I’d have to exercise caution with 4 lbs. (or even 2!) of fudge 🙂
I could identify with the Park Sisters retail woes, which I think might have a little less painful than your contractor ones! Thanks so much for joining in the fun~ I hope you can read & eat with a playful purpose again! I’m linking your review to my post ♥
So glad you joined in the chocolate fun. The heady aroma of your Million Dollar Fudge is wafting off my computer from your amazing step by step shots. My husband has been making his favorite peanut butter fudge recipe since before Christmas. Fortunately, I don’t eat peanut butter fudge. 😉 He gives most of it away, but savors a piece or two for himself on occasion. He made me a batch of chocolate fudge. I had to ration myself, but I managed to eat the entire tin when all was said and done. Yum!
Thanks for sharing Mamie’s recipe. I’m forwarding this to my “chef”. ~ Sarah
Your post title definitely got my attention. The fudge looks yummy, but you better keep it at your house!
I would be more than happy to pack a few pieces up and send them your way!!
Thanks for the review, I will check it out.
Loved the picture of Mamie and those famous bangs.
I make a very similar fudge only I use peanut butter instead of chocolate. Yummy.
Love the picture..and the story..and the fudge..YUMMY! 😀
So that’s why the marshmellow stuff poofs! I always wondered why they packed it so tight… And oh.the.fudge! Wonderful eye candy, too bad I’m not your neighbor:) Enjoy your weekend RMW:)
It was a fun book. I enjoyed it too. Great fudge recipe and a super photo of Mamie!
What a gorgeous looking book! I love that cover (I wanted something similar but alas the publisher makes that decision 🙁 ). The fudge looks a million dollars! 😀
—You had me on “Chocolate!”
this looks DEEEElish. WOW.
What a fun and dangerous meme! That books looks neat! I loved your comment about hurting yourself with four pounds of fudge! Still giggling over that.
hi there, i am SO GLAD YOU STOPPED STALKING AND STARTED PLAYING! isn’t it fun to jump right into your reading 🙂
i am laughing that you don’t have a sweet tooth… all i gots is sweet teeth! which is why i picked this book, i seam to be an addict…
love that your found your mom’s recipe… and fudge is so up my alley! egads, 4 pounds… i would be dead or in a coma in the morning, i wouldn’t think to halve it, i would have eaten it all… it looks fabulous…
like i said i am an addict!
i am so happy you joined in, i look forward to seeing more of you, thanks so much for playing, jain~
Thanks for your great story and the recipe!
First time I’ve heard of Mamie Eisenhower Fudge. So fun that you remember your mom making it growing up. In the future if you need sweet recipes you know where to turn.