I’m a sucker for a cute name, especially when it comes to wine. If I’m walking down the aisle of the local wine store and I see a wine with a horse or a dog in the name or a picture of an animal on the label, it’s a pretty sure bet it’s going to end up in my basket.
Anyhoo, I noticed this little number the other day and decided to give it a whirl since cupcakes are one of my very favorite food groups.
It was cheap, I don’t remember how much it was and I am a little bit buzzed too lazy, to go look for the receipt, but I want to say it was in the $10 range.
I was surprised by this wine. I seriously didn’t expect much from it and it’s not what I would call a “serious” wine, but for $10, I feel like I got quite a deal. It was balanced, had a little bit of oak and a really nice feel to it. I will definitely buy this wine and the others under this label again. For a simple steak dinner or even a burger, this wine would certainly fill the bill!
I did a little research on it, and the name of the distributer is Underdog Wine Merchants. How cool is that name? Sigh.
Now, excuse me while I go watch the Food Channel and drink a few more glasses of this with my burger.
Not sure Cupcake is a name I’d use for wine unless it was a sweet wine, however for $10 who cares what they call it! ….pass the bottle over here….
We have similar thought processes when shopping…I am also frequently drawn in by a label/name…and ignore the advice by a “local wine expert” who states “never buy wine with a critter on the label.” Thank you for the FYI – will be looking for that Cupcake treat at the next shopping outing.
Have a great weekend and hope Spring has arrived for you.
Hi again!
Apologies. Bit late again this week – been so busy lately!
Thank you so much for stopping by and look forward to *seeing* you again soon.
Hope you have a good weekend,
XOXO Lola )
Cupcake is one of my favorites. World Market handles their wine in our area and it has never failed. Having lived in No. California for several years I know that there are labels out there that do not sound like great wine, “Frogs Leap” comes to mind. But until you fill you glass and sip you never know.
Until you fill the glass and sip, you never know! love it…..
LOL I’m that way about dogs! There is a really cute label with a sausage dog on it. And of course I had to try that wine! 😛
Underdog Wine Merchants certainly a leg up, I agree. 🙂
Sounds like a decent wine too. I love the fun names and am willing to give them all a chance. ALL of them.
I enjoy their Chardonnay, it’s $8.99 at the grocery store!