Life in the mountains is for the most part wonderful. The air is sweet and pure (when it isn’t snowing) and the scenery is amazing. There’s wildlife everywhere and a beautiful night sky with no street lights. As the saying goes, “If you are lucky enough to live in the mountains, you are lucky enough.”
There are, however, some things that are harder to do because of the altitude. Baking is a little wonky sometimes and sweet mountain air is also very thin, so physical activity can be a little more demanding on your heart and lungs. Puff, puff, wheez, wheez…
Another thing that is harder in the high up is cooking Corned Beef. I love making Corned Beef and Cabbage for St. Paddy’s Day. Actually, I just love Corned Beef and Cabbage anytime of the year. But the first time I tried to make it up here, I cooked the brisket for approximately 12 hours and it never ever got tender. So now I do it in the pressure cooker. If you live in the high up, or even if you just want to cut down the cooking time needed to tenderize a hunk of corned beef, have I got a deal for you!
I usually rinse the brisket because the red stuff on it is kind of weird. Some people say that there is seasoning in the red stuff, but I just can’t bring myself to cook it with it on. I do, however, use the seasoning package that comes with it.
Place the meat in your handy dandy pressure cooker with enough water to cover and cook it on high for 50 to 60 minutes depending on how big the brisket is, letting the pressure come down naturally.
Then move the meat and broth to a dutch oven.
Cube a few potatoes
and place in the pot with a couple sliced carrots (I like a lot of carrots)
add sliced cabbage
and onions on the top, add enough water to cover the carrots and potatoes, cover and cook until the vegetables are tender, 30 minutes or so.
slice the meat and serve with the vegetables, lots of freshly ground pepper, horseradish, mustard and Guiness!
This looks delicious for St. Paddy’s Day! I’ve never used a pressure cooker 🙂
A recipe like this can make me wish I weren’t vegetarian. 🙂
Happy St Paddy’s Day this weekend!
OH is my mouth ever watering! I love CB&C anytime too! Just never take the time to cook it anymore:) Guess I better get me a pressure cooker…
The spinachy eggs on the last post are yummy looking too. Hmmm, maybe I should just become your neighbor:)I’m missing that mountain living myself…
Thanks for the awesome recipes RM xox
I have a feeling that we are kind of neighbors already….
I wash the red stuff off too and always cook my corned beef in a crock pot. Your dinner is making my mouth water in anticipation.
My mother always cooked with a pressure cooker, but she scared me when she took that thing off the top to release the pressure. She’d say, “Get out of the kitchen” or “Stand back.” I was always waiting for an explosion. I knew baking was tricky at high altitudes, but I didn’t realize regular cooking would be difficult too. That sure looks good!
I remember the old fashioned kind too with the top that bubbled up and down. The newer ones are so much safer and easier…I LOVE MINE!
I hate to admit that I ne ER liked my Mom’s corned beef and cabbage. Yours looks really delicious.
I have never tried making brisket. But I do like using my pressure cooker. Maybe St.Pat’s will be the day I try this. I could smell it, it looked so good on the screen : )
The weather at the moment is perfect for corned beef and this one looks so luscious RMW! 😀
Can we just drive over to your place for St. Patty’s day dinner? Sounds wonderful!!
That is interesting and something I wasn’t aware of. Cooking must take some getting used to. Glad the pressure cooker works and cuts your time by hours.
I have never tried brisket but just may have to. Thanks.
I never thought about how much more difficult it would be to cook in the mountains. Your corned beef dish looks great!
Looks delish!
I have enough trouble cooking in regular altitude, so I would probably have a real problem adapting to the mountains!
That is a great idea. I love corned beef and cabbage. I think we will be having some this weekend too (just made on the stove top, but a great tip about the pressure cooker).
You always see on the Betty Crocker boxes instructions for high altitude and I’ve always thought who really has that problem – now I know! Your St. Patrick’s Day dinner looks delicious!
This corned beef and cabbage looks delicious. I love that the cabbage is still a lovely green. Whenever I make it, green is not the color it is – more like limp beige. You have inspired me to try again!
My husband about conked out on me with altitude sickness when we visited Pike’s Peak, but I have no experience with high alt cooking!
Yikes! Altitude sickness is not fun!
I love corned beef and cabbage! So yummy!
Haven’t really thought about the change in elevation being a problem except for excessive exercise. Sounds and looks delicious! {:-D
We live 30 feet above sea level so tender is no problem. On Saturday I will be cooking about 13lbs total of corned beef, 5 lbs red potatoes, carrots, parsnips and cabbage for our annual St. Pats Party. Stop by if you get a change.
Phyllis! I would love to come to your St. Paddy’s Day party… How much fun would that be?!!
Happy Paddy’s day to you! I don’t have anything particular in mind to cook:) and am not a lover of corned beef (too salty for me). But it’s a creative Q!
Sounds delicious !
This looks just like what my mother used to make. Beautiful!
Nice tips for cooking corned beef in a pressure cooker when at a high altitude! I can use your ideas when I am visiting my children in Colorado.
I love my pressure cooker, too, even though I’m not at a high elevation!
It’s such an amazing kitchen tool. Makes absolutely the best chicken for shredding, but I’m sure you know that!
Thanks for quite a delicious link to Alphabe-
Thursday’s letter “Q”.
MMMMM, that looks so fresh and tasty!!
Love that you cooked it in a pressure cooker. I’ll need to give it a try. I have never cooked corned beef.
I’m at 9000 feet and I wonder if I would need to make an adjustment for this recipe. What elevation are you at? I like the idea of precooking in the pressure cooker and transferring to the oven to finish with the veggies!
Hi Sandra,
I’m at 6500 feet. My guess would be that it might take a few minutes longer to cook the meat?
Let me know if you try it!