I decided that the only thing that would fix my all over sad and tired attitude was a little time at the ocean. I find it easier to relax, think and just breathe where I can hear the waves. So I packed up and drove to Oregon, my spirit home. I started to feel better around Troutdale and by the time I reached the coast, I was feeling like myself again, instead of the old, crotchety person who was inhabiting my body. I haven’t been here in a couple of years so I was surprised how much it felt like home when I drove into town. This place just speaks to my soul.
I rented a little cottage on the ocean and settled in to read, eat lots of seafood, drink some lovely Oregon wine and try to decompress.
I’ve got the middle of winter blues, which is pretty typical for me. This year I was feeling particularly crappy so I decided it was time for some time on the coast. I got here this afternoon about 2 and before I even unloaded my car and I walked down to the beach.
Yep, that’s what I’m talking about.
These are my digs for the next week…
I’m thinking that I’ll make good use of this:
clams, anyone?
My “spirit home” is inside my regular home with the door locked and me in my pj’s all the time with plenty of chocolate.
Hi Granny,
I’m with you on this one! PJ’s rule in my house.
Thanks for coming by!
There aren’t many ailments that time at the beach won’t heal.
If you ever come a little bit north do let me know. The island is pretty nice at this time of year!…the digs aren’t glamorous at our cottage, but they are cosy.
I would love to meet up with your in real life sometime, Pondside! It’s only a matter of time before I end up in your neck of the woods.
The ocean looks so peaceful. I believe seeing water soothes the soul. Looks like you chose a comfy cottage to stay in too!