This, my friends, sorta kinda sums up my summer so far. I discovered both of these early in the summer and have indulged in both in varying combinations for the last few months. You shouldn’t waste any more of this wonderful summer without these two to keep you company.
First, the vodka. It’s amazingly refreshing and fruity. Some flavored vodkas taste like chemicals -fake- to me. This one tastes like fruit. Wild Roots Marionberry Vodka is also well worth a bit of your time and money. Here’s my favorite way to drink it.
Then there’s the ginger beer. It’s spicy! Not too sweet, not too gingery, but just the perfect amount of spice!
You can do what you want with the rest of your summer because no one is the boss of you except you, but if I were you, I’d buy a bottle of this lovely Wild Roots Raspberry Vodka and a couple four packs of Q ginger beer and I’d make the following cocktail to sip while you relax (preferably somewhere outside) and enjoy the last weeks of summer:
Wild Roots Raspberry Cocktail
- 2 ounces of raspberry vodka
- 1 squeeze of lime
- ginger beer to fill a high ball glass
- Pour the vodka into a glass with a few ice cubes
- Add the lime and ginger beer
- Stir
- Repeat
just sayin…
I could go for that! I just bought a six-pack of ginger beer, so I’m halfway there…. now for some hot weather. By the time I’m ready with my my supplies, say, in September, we’ll probably get the hot spell. Can’t wait!
Mmmmmm I can imagine Saturday afternoon with that glass in hand. I have always felt the same about flavoured vodkas but I will trust your palate and give this one a try. It sounds so……..mid-summer………and I am trying to stretch this summer to the limit. It has flown by without a treat like this. It’s time!
Boy, your blog looks great! I’ve missed seeing you at Jenny’s and enjoying the yummy recipes.
How’s your house doing these days?
Hi Sue!
Thanks for stopping by. I’m STILL working on the house, but it’s really lovely and I love living here. Just a few more things to finish up!
That sounds like a fabulous vodka! Will look out for it in our shops! 😀 Happy New Year RMW! 😀
Hi Lorraine,
It’s so good. Sometimes I put a bit in a glass with ice and just sip it!
Nice to see you, hope you are having a good new year!