My mother in law made the most amazing Crabapple Jelly. I’ve tried to recreate it, but have never really been able to get the right combination of tartness and sweetness. This recipe comes close though..

Just the right balance of sweet and tart.
About 6 lbs of ripe crabapples
6 C water
1 box Sure-Gel
1/2 t butter
8 C sugar
Rinse apples thoroughly
Remove stems and blossom ends from crabapples, cut into quarters, removing seeds.
Place in a large saucepan with water and bring to a simmer for 10 or 15 minutes, or until apples are soft
Crush with a potato masher and simmer for another 10 minutes or so
Line a colander with cheesecloth and place over a large bowl. Slowly pour in the apples and water
Let sit for several hours or overnight
Wash jars, lids and lids in hot soapy water – rinse jars with boiling water
Cover lids and bands with boiling water and set aside
Bring about a half full water bath canner to a simmer over medium high heat
Take 7 C of the juice from the bowl and place in a Dutch Oven or large pot
Stir in pectin and add butter then bring to a full boil
Add the sugar, stirring constantly so it dissolves then return juice to a full boil for one minute stirring constantly
Remove from heat, skim off any foam
Ladle into jars, wipe rims and threads
Cover jars with lids and screw on bands tightly
Place in canning rack and lower into simmering water
Keep water at a simmer for 5 minutes – at higher altitudes for up to 20 minutes
Remove from water and let drain on a towel until lids seal

It is beautiful! My mom used to make it too, I have not as yet. I bet is tastes and smells wonderful! How is Fall doing up in your neck of the woods? Come say hi 😀
Crababble jelly is one of my all time favorites! YUM!!
Love this ‘C’ post! And love crab apple jelly!
Have a good weekend,
Btw Your quick Alphabe-Thursday link
I’ve never had crab apple jelly~ gorgeous color! A little summer in the freezer is always a good thing 🙂
Oh I havent had crab apple jelly for years and years … it was always one of my faves …. now i’m just longing for some … i love the colour you got from yours … looks amazing!
This looks like a lot of work, but I bet it tastes wonderful. I have never tried crabapple jelly before.
This looks great! I’ve done lots of jams and jellies, but I’ve never tried crabapple. Thanks for sharing.
I have never had crab apple jelly. I sure wish I could get some of these and try this recipe. Looks wonderful. I know it taste good.
Hi! I have never had crab apple jelly either! Looks and sound cool and yummy. I am so glad I stopped by. This was very awesome. I hope you will come see me too. Anne
We had this all the time when I was growing up. It is lovely on toast!!
There’s a drawing on my Wed post you might enjoy.
Oh my gosh I am a DORK…I told my daughter you can’t eat crab apples. apparently I was worng
i’ve never had this, but the thought of gaving a little taste of summer in the cold winter months is mouth watering 😀
I just heard from a friend that she made crab apple jelly. Glad to have the recipe! Maybe I will try it!
Interesting 🙂 I’ve never heard of crab apple jelly before…which is why I’m quite curious as to how it tastes. Looks like you put in a lot of work for this jelly. I’m sure they taste amazing!
I think I have never eaten that. But I don’t eat jelly in general.
First that scrumptious soup, now THIS? I have to hunt down some crabapples!
What??? Not a creative bone in your body?? What do you think this is…it looks fantastic, and very creative in the kitchen!
You’re so kind! I meant creative as in all of those fabulous crafts I see on so many sites. I just love looking at them, but I am so challenged when it comes to making them!
Oh, you are so right, toast, homemade jelly and coffee can redeem a cold miserable winter morning!
Hi Christy,
Seriously, huh? Sometimes it is the only thing that can get me up to get ready for work!
I don’t mind getting up at all in the summer, but in the winter..it’s torture
What a neat post. Your first photo of the crabapples on the tree is absolutely gorgeous…and then to get to follow the recipe through the pictures was a clever way to share your recipe with all of us. Also, I want to thank you for your visit and message on my “Clock†post. Please come back.
Genie @ buttonsforbaga
It looks delicious! Now if only I could find crab apples around here 🙂
One more thing…just read your profile…we share the same book addiction. There is no cure. And if you’ve heard of one, Shhhhhh! Oh and I live in South FL and used to live in SLC. Have you been feeding your book addiction at the King’s English? If not, you must! My most missed place in Utah!
Hi Lindsay,
Yes, I do feed my book addiction at “King’s English” and now, one of my favorite restaurants is just across the street, so it is double trouble!
Thanks for stopping by, it would appear we have quite a bit in common!
You made it look so easy! Thanks for another yummy recipe!
Oh if only I could do that. My dad has lots of crabapples and I can get all the crabapples I want and need for such things as this *sigh*
Wow! you’ve sold me – does that ever look good!
thanks for stopping by today : )
Oh I miss my momma! She always made homemade jams and jellies. I printed this out and I think I will try my hand at it too. You make it look so very easy. Thanks for the recipe!~Ames
Yummy looking jelly! I love homemade goodies like jelly. Makes me feel…well…homey!
I’ve never had crabapple jelly! I bet it’s great!
Boy this jelly is prudy. lol
Love how you did this post. Step by step making it easy for us to follow.
Your site is really something. I went into your wine section and loved it. Since my new little neighbor and writer moved in we have shared a few meals with wine as our drink. So now I have some new ideas.
Will catch up while I am here.
Appreciate your leaving me such sweet comments
Hope your enjoying some pretty weather now
and I bet the leaves are beautiful
Oh my gosh, what a great recipe! I always wondered what people could make with crapapples!! Perfect for fall in deed 🙂
Oh and sweetie, have you stopped by and put your city info in at LOCATION CENTRAL yet? It’s the blog where you’re able to see who else blogs in your area.
I love love love crabapple jelly! I haven’t had it in ages though.
Your freezer jelly looks delicious!!! I have a friend makes everyting by the freezer method, rather than canning. She thinks it’s a lot easier. And I wish I had a bigger freezer!
Hmmm…this looks delicious! And your right a little bit of summer in winter! Thanks for this tour!
PS Love your profile picture! What a beautiful land you live on!
This sounds very interesting and yummy.
Thios sounds amazing! Thankyou for sharing this recipe with us! 😀 Apple jelly is such a favourite 🙂
That sounds amazing! I just finished my canning for the year. But I’m definitely going to save this to my file to try for next year. 🙂
I think that crab apple jelly has the prettiest colour of any jelly. It glows – a bit of sunshine for your toast!
This is such a useful way for crapapple, and your recipe sounds easy enough for me to try..Thank you!
Wow, you come up with the best recipes….love crab apples…bkm
I am afraid of jelly–making it that is. I have done it once. It turned out okay. Maybe one day I will try again. haha.
If you had jelly turn out ok the first time you made it, you’re an expert!
I don’t know too many people who have their first batch actually jell…
Thanks for stopping by!
Oh, how lovely. That top picture just took my breath away.
And I haven’t had or made crabapple jelly in years. This is so beautiful and jewel-like and I can totally imagine that perfect sweet-tart taste on a buttered hot baking powder biscuit.
What a delicious stop this week on our little journey through Alphabe-Thursday.
This was lovely.
Thank you.
Your posts are always so yummy!
sounds yummy! thanks for sharing.
as for picky’s c post and your comment. i’m sorry if catriona’s story affected you too terribly. i should’ve thought of how others might feel after having read it. it’s just that, of cate’s story, that’s the best-written piece. i’ve not experienced that myself. i’m so sorry that you have.
Sounds yummy! Great way of preserving a fruit that is probably a little too sour to eat raw.
Great post for C.
Best wishes,
Anna’s Alphabe-Th-C
sweet and thoughtful D post.
I have never had it but it sure looks beautiful…..I remember trying to eat a crab apple when I was a kid….blechhhh.
I just made some crabapple jelly. I do not add sugar at all as I find the tartness, with a touch of sweetness, much more to my liking. I am lucky to live in an area where there are crabapple trees everywhere.
I agree about the tartness but I like a little sugar..
You ARE lucky to have so many crabapples around!